Yes it's that time again when I attempt to fit too many toys and books into too few suitcases. It's a challenge in more ways than one... The toys and books are for the Babyboost programme we run with carers and their babies in South Africa. The children have almost no toys and no books and while our main aim is to promote messages such as sing, talk, read, cuddle, respond and play with your baby, its much easier if you can use a few nice items. So we are setting up toy and book libraries in communities and using the toys for our coaching sessions and structured playgroups. ... That's a lot of toys and books. What really encourages me is the generosity and kindness of so many people... those who gave suitcases (much loved by the Zulu people I work with when the toys are emptied out), toys and books. People have collected, delivered and donated. And I am so grateful.
